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Showing posts with label start-ups. Show all posts
Showing posts with label start-ups. Show all posts

Bio-based infrastructure services to reduce CO2 emission

WaterHub is a modular and integrated infrastructure solution by BIOPOLUS that caters to the needs of urban slum communities with little access to basic services.

Enhancing efficiency and recycling

It enables access to bio-based infrastructure services like sanitation, waste water treatment, energy generation, food production and even social services. The focus is on enhancing efficiency and recycling by closing the urban water, food, waste and energy loops through the use of novel technologies that are integrated and bundled (combining different modules) in one system.


It therefore includes agricultural production with aeroponics, water recycling for non-potable use, nutrient recovery from organic waste, community services (toilet, shower, public kitchen health service, education etc), drinking water treatment, energy recovery from wastewater and organic waste etc.
WaterHubs for individual neighbourhoods can serve from 5,000 to 50,000 people and can expand in the form of a distributed network.


Get in touch

Saurabh Saraf
Founding Member & responsible for business development 
Mobile: +36 304501088 

Márton Kenyeres
Márton Kenyeres, CEO
Biopolus Technologies, Inc.

It's more than biology...
Understanding , modelling, designing and controlling of these fascinatingly complex biological processes require robust IT solutions. Read more

It’s More Than Biology - It’s an IT Business

István and Márton Kenyeres Founders of the Biopolus Alliance
István and Márton Kenyeres
Founders of the Biopolus Alliance
Understanding, modelling, designing and controlling of these fascinatingly complex biological processes require robust IT solutions.

Tha fact that Biopolus was founded by a biotechnologist and an information technologist is no coincidence. We believe that in order for us to be successful we need to be able to combine the latest innovation from both of these fields.

At Biopolus we are using advanced dynamic modelling solutions to design and optimize biological processes. Optimal performance and smooth operation of BioMakeries is ensured by state-of-the-art process control systems that enable remote supervision of these factories.

Sophisticated IT solutions are also at the foundation of how we deliver our products and services. Online retail was born as a bookstore, then people started to buy more expensive things online: computers, cars, houses. Now they will be able to buy Living Factories, complete with engineering services, specialized equipment and operational services, online.

I think the biggest innovations of the twenty-first century will be the intersection of biology and technology. A new era is beginning, just like the digital one when I was my son's age.
Steve Jobs

DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM - Making Synergies the Rule

Biopolus provides the unique tools & the hardware for developers to create the best applications for win-win technology and business solutions

BioMakeries are general purpose multi-input and multi-output bio-factories which can convert almost any kind of organic materials, organic wastes and wastewater into products for sale.

While Biopolus has been developing a number of its own product applications, the opportunities are huge and so numerous, that the system is designed in a way, that development partners can use the BioMakery OpSys to develop their own applications for co-sale with the BioMakery technology.

Biopolus is going to build a BioMakery Product App Store of processes which can be purchased together with a newly built BioMakery or downloaded to run on an existing factory and thus can provide a revenue for our App development partners.

BIOPOLUS CORE - Focusing on Our Best Values

As Technology Suppliers, our core competency is in the Operating System Software, Bioprocessor Manufacturing, Product Development and Technology & Engineering Support.

Biopolus is focusing on the development and sale of its core BioMakery Technology and related special equipment and services.

We believe that working with partners in the development, the construction and the operation phases can significantly accelerate the spread of the technology and can multiply both the financial, social and sustainability impact of Biopolus.

We are happy to share the benefits of a broad spectrum cooperation while focusing on our competencies we can ensure that our core technology will always stay ahead of the industry.

Sales & Distribution Network

To spread the technology worldwide we are building a network of engineering, contractor, construction and operation & maintenance companies.

Biopolus is seeking partnership with key industry players with established presence in their respective markets for supporting widespread adoption of BioMakeries.

We are working with consultants, urban developers, utility companies, EPC firms and general contractors who act as agents or re-sellers to us. We believe that companies with apt experience in a certain geography and market are most suited to build BioMakeries while our job is to provide all the support and services that they need to be successful in bidding for jobs, project execution and operation.

The Urban Metabolic Challenge

The linear "Take - Make - Dispose" lifestyle of our cities increasingly depletes finite reserves while dumping wastes around the cities destroying the environment

From Linear to Circular

Today natural resources are brought into cities, processed, consumed, and the waste products disposed outside of urban centers, and with increasing environmental impacts. This linear production path of inputs and outputs will not be sustainable as cities continue to grow. Escalating quantities of resources will be needed to feed the growing population, while the wastes will be transported over ever increasing distances as city limits expand.

URBANIZATION - A Huge Success with Problems

The unrivaled explosive growth of urban population requires paradigm change how we use our resources and how to bring into conformity our cities with Nature.

In under four generations our life expectancy doubled and our standard of living increased ten-fold while global population quadrupled. This was enabled by rapid urbanization that increased urban population from 220M to 3.5B.

But this new urban life style creates its own set of increasing challenges. Cities are currently unsustainably resource-hungry while the generated waste is causing ever-increasing impacts on nature itself.

This flow-through, or linear phenomenon of resource inputs, processing, and associated waste generation requires a radical change in what we refer to as urban metabolism. As cities continuously expand, escalating quantities of resources will be needed to feed the growing population, while places for both disposing waste, and for generating resources will shrink. At the same time, the necessary distances for importing raw goods and disposing of waste products will increase as city limits expand outward, and into other urban centers, further aggravating the problem.

A new mode of urban metabolism is needed that reduces resource consumption and waste production simultaneously. A cyclical structure which is able to transform waste into resources in a sustainable way can accomplish both. It is the resulting reduction of necessary inputs and elimination of wasteful outputs that we call "closing the loop".

GLOBAL WARMING - From Fossil to Bio-based Economy

To avoid catastrophic overheating of Earth, we have no choice but to shift from fossil to renewable and reusable bio-based production resources.

Oil is not only used for energy production, approximately 20% of consumption comprises the source for industrial products such as plastics. This process is releasing long-stored carbon from below the Earth,s crust into the atmosphere which accelerates the climate dilemma and bring us closer to the limits of our resources. These processes can be reversed by using renewable biomass and the byproducts of natural metabolic processes for industrial production of the same useful materials we extract from oil, or other fossil carbon sources.

WATER CRISES - The Urge for Smart Water Reuse

Water scarcity and declining quality have become the No. 1 global security issue, water being the key driver in the water, food and energy nexus.

Urban life, and the energy-, industrial and food production that go with it are all dependent on water of adequate qualities and quantities. As cities grow, they put increasing stress on water supplies while vast quantities of disposed water further impact existing sources. A sustainable economy requires a distributed urban water reuse infrastructure that limits the distances we must move water for various uses. This distributed infrastructure makes water reuse possible thus reducing both fresh water and energy consumption.

Generic purpose biofactories

In the heart of the system lays an interconnected and interacting network of bioreactor arrays, where the individual reactor-cells themselves work as high-speed and high-efficiency multi-core bio-processors. The reactor-system is completed with upstream and downstream processing units to make the whole factory suitable to process wastewater and almost any kind of organic waste into products for sale.

BIO-PROCESSORS - The Intelligence Inside

Bioreactors in biological production systems are like microchips in a computer: you win with smaller, faster, cheaper and smarter processors.

BioMakeries are based on our unique multicore-multipurpose bio-processors, a technological breakthrough that can make closing the urban metabolic carbon-, water-, food- and energy loops a reality. These processors consist of an array of specialized bioreactors which house a series of engineered ecosystems. The bioreactors provide ideal conditions for adaptive ecologies to develop thereby optimizing their metabolic capabilities. This in turn results in much faster and more efficient biological processing than possible in conventional reactors.

PROCESS APP STORE - Download Your Next Business

Flexibility of biological manufacturing is based on a modular multi-processing platform where you can run different production applications on demand.

The engineered ecosystems in these bio-processors can be configured to metabolize various influent streams into a broad range of useful products. The significance of this configuration flexibility is that a BioMakery can address resource availability, disposal requirements and market demand issues simultaneously.
In and of itself a bio-processor can handle a wide range of applications; the fact that they can be entirely reconfigured enables future transformations of the processor if required throughout the life of the BioMakery.

BIOMAKERY - A New Class of Buildings

Closing the metabolic loop is a newly emerging urban function which calls for adequate architectural forms and expressions, fusing public spaces with bio-manufacturing and water reuse.

The Biopolus technology solution offers a unique opportunity to integrate biological production, waste and wastewater recycle functions into urban environments.

BioMakeries are modern buildings with very small physical and psychological footprints but great architectural flexibility. Far from being just another type of factory these are multi-functional buildings containing opportunities for education, recreation, research and even urban farming.

    Climate-KIC Chalange Zaječar

    Pomozi gradu #Zajecar da pronadje rešenja za neke od najtežih klimatskih izazova u svetu. Klimatske promene utiču na svaki grad na svakom kontinentu. Sve je više poremećaj ekonomije i utiče na ljudsko zdravlje. Prvobitno konceptualizovan kao 24-satni hackathon od strane Climate-KIC-a, #Climathon je odahnula kao globalni pokret, angažujući građane na klimatskim akcijama - i pružajući gradovima stalnu podršku na jedinstvenim izazovima sa kojima se suočavaju.

    Građani, gradski zvaničnici i partneri se povezuju pod zajedničkom vizijom za zdraviji grad, koji se manifestuje u 24-satnom hakatonu kako bi pronašao inovativna gradska rešenja.

    clock diagram revised_2.png
    Climate-KIC podržan od EIT, deo Evropske Unije.

    U nastavku prikazana je Mapa 1. grad Zajecar: Plan regulacije predlozi i Divlje deponije smeća grad Zaječar. Markirana je nova industrijska zona na Vanjinon jazu. Markirane su obilaznice i putevi, uključena je baza svetskih automobilskih kompanija i dobavljača opreme u Evropi.

    Predlog: Uraditi e-gov Data Center Zajecar. IT sistem za upravljanje gradom kako bi se povećala mobilnost. Uključiti dobre primere e-gov: Cloud Computing Environement;

    Mapa 1. grad Zaječar


    ECOMONDO: Sve ideje Climathon 2017 za pametne i izdržljive gradove

    Klimatizacija i komunikacija Climathon Uticaji Urbano planiranje Urbana otpornost na klimatske promjene Rizici vezani za klimatske promjene Klimatski izazovi Održivi razvoj.

    U Bolonji, aplikacija koja dozvoljava kompanijama da poboljšaju putanju puteva zaposlenih, pomažući im da izaberu manje zagađene puteve, na Venecijanskim specijalnim plivajućim platformama kako bi vratili "zelenu" u lagunu. Ovo su dva od 18 pobjedničkih Climathon projekata , 24-satni maraton koji predlažu korisne ideje za borbu protiv klimatskih promjena, predstavljene na Ecomondo (Fiera di Rimini) na forumu u kojem vodi geolog Mario Tozzi. Ovaj događaj organizuje Climate-KIC, evropska javno-privatna zajednica za borbu protiv klimatskih promjena, koordinirana u našoj zemlji od strane Climate-KIC Italy sa sjedištem u Bolonji.

    Ovo uključuje pobedničke ideje Climathona u Leče, Veneciji, Sasariju i Bolonji, u kojima je učestvovalo i učešće CMCC-a.

    Nakon prezentacija, predstavnici lokalnih institucija kao što su Regionalni savjetnik za zaštitu životne sredine regije Sardinija, Donatella Spano i savjetnici za životnu sredinu opštine Ćezena, Francesca Lucchi i opština Sassari Fabio Pinna razgovarali su s Angelicom Monako (direktor klime - KIC Italija) i Mauro Buonocore (Fondacija CMCC - Evro-mediteranski centar za klimatske promjene) o tome kako uključiti građane u borbu protiv klimatskih promjena.

    Među pobedničkim projektima klimantskog maratona u 18 italijanskih gradova nalazi se "LinkShiftShare" , pobednički projekat Klimathon iz Lečea, gde se tema izaziva obalnom erozijom i zaštitom i razvojem obala. Ideja je da u okviru obalnog područja stvorimo integrisano upravljanje protokom vozila, pristupom na more, prirodnom prirodnom okruženju i tipičnim aktivnostima mjesta.

    U Veneciji je odlikovao "Podići prije porasta nivoa mora" , koji integriše stvaranje umetničkih instalacija koje se mogu pretvoriti u platforme kako bi se u slučaju vanrednog stanja ugostili ljudi sa projektom društvenog i urbanog oporavka starih zgrada.

    Dva projekta dobila su u Bolonji, prva je "Zefiro" , digitalna platforma koja omogućava kompanijama da svojim zaposlenima pruže aplikaciju za bolje upravljanje kućnim radom i drugim putovanjima. To je kako bi se ljudima omogućilo da izbjegnu zagađene ulice, trgovine ljudima ili bez "urbanih zelenih".

    "Ostani cool" , s druge strane, usluga koja koristi klimatske i geografske podatke Kopernika i drugih urbanih baza podataka, identifikuje, mapira i komunicira položaj "hladnih mesta", tj. Parkova, muzeja i mjesta kulture, gdje "Uzmi utočište" tokom vrelih talasa. "Ostanite kul" namenjen je prvenstveno ljudima koji su krhki sa stanovišta zdravlja i / ili socijalno isključeni.

    U Sassari projektu "Zeleni u vezu" dodeljena je aplikacija koja želi da promoviše zajednički model upravljanja za razvoj zelenih površina u istorijskom centru grada. Konkretno, projekat ima za cilj poboljšanje unutrašnjih bašti istorijskih domova privatnih građana i povezivanje među njima i sa javnim područjima, u cilju stvaranja zelenih puteva visoke vrijednosti životne sredine unutar grada.

    "Walk on" je predlog koji je osvojio izazov u Salernou i ima za cilj poboljšanje mobilnosti i smanjenje zagađenja tokom gradske manifestacije "Luci d'Artista". Ideja uključuje upotrebu tepisona od reciklirane gume da pretvori kinetički pokret hiljada posjetilaca u električnu energiju. "Pametni tepih" će biti povezan sa aplikacijom (Tap @ Ap), koja će omogućiti informacije u realnom vremenu o broju preduzetih koraka, stvaranju energije i emisijama koje su izbegnute u pogledu CO2, uslova saobraćaja i mnogo više .

    "Io cammino" je pobednički projekat Klimathona u Ferari. Cilj je da zajedno sa obrazovnim institucijama stvori sistem koji transformiše (pešake) pešačke rute (školski autobus peške) u igru (kako bi se podstakao razvoj ponašanja osjetljivih na pitanja održivosti još od detinjstva.

    U Kaljariju izazov je dobio "Bird" , koji je razvio multifunkcionalni model urbane zelene infrastrukture.

    U Napulju razvijeni koncept se fokusira na sposobnost prirode da se brani. Projekat podrazumeva sijanje čempresa u pufernim područjima radi sprečavanja ili usporavanja požara. U stvari, ova drveća su bogata vodom.

    U Firenci je osnovan "Stapp Project" , aplikacija koja "uzbuđuje" turiste poštujući vodu i otpornost. Projekat Naide u Ćeseni je nagrađen od strane žirija, čiji je cilj razvoj rešenja za uštedu vode.

    U Trentinu je Climathon osvojio tim "Dec € Uro" , koji je predložio stvaranje stabilnog senzora za detekciju podataka o vodama na terenu, koji se zatim prenose u realnom vremenu kontrolnim centrima.

    Klima-KIC je najveće javno-privatno partnerstvo na ublažavanju i prilagođavanju klimatskim promjenama koje čine kompanije, akademske institucije i javni organi sa preko 200 evropskih partnera. Climate-KIC je jedna od zajednica znanja i inovacija koju je pokrenuo EIT, Evropski institut za inovacije i tehnologiju. Od 2016. godine podružnica Climate-KIC Italije aktivno je koordinirala aktivnosti u nacionalnom kontekstu.

    Klima-KIC je najveće javno-privatno partnerstvo na ublažavanju i prilagođavanju klimatskim promjenama koje čine kompanije, akademske institucije i javni organi sa preko 200 evropskih partnera. Climate-KIC je jedna od zajednica znanja i inovacija koju je pokrenuo EIT, Evropski institut za inovacije i tehnologiju. Od 2016. godine podružnica Climate-KIC Italije aktivno je koordinirala aktivnosti u nacionalnom kontekstu.

    Pet stvari koje trebate znati prije vašeg prvog Hackathona:

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    Sonja Jović
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