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Multiple-Benefits from Buildings’ Refurbishment: Evidence from Smart City Projects in Europe

Multiple-Benefits from Buildings’ Refurbishment: Evidence from Smart City Projects in Europe

  • Stefano Zambotti
  • Simon Pezzutto
  • Adriano Bisello
  • Stefano Zambotti
    • 1
  • Simon Pezzutto
    • 1
  • Adriano Bisello
    • 1
  1. 1.Institute for Renewable EnergyEURAC ResearchBolzanoItaly
Conference paper
Part of the Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies book series (SIST, volume 100)


Given the necessity of strengthening the transition towards a smarter, more sustainable low-carbon future, Smart Cities are considered a powerful tool. However, Smart City projects involving the refurbishment of existing buildings carry key barriers to implementation. The most prominent ones are: (i) a wide time discrepancy between appreciable environmental and economic benefits and immediate costs of action and (ii) economic benefits that might not accrue to who bears the cost of the intervention. This research provides a clue to solving this impasse based on the concept of multiple-benefits evaluation stemming from a shift in perspective from mitigation costs to development opportunities. We considered the costs of interventions on the European building stock under the Smart City projects to assess the multiple-benefits delivered to society. Starting from the monetary aspects of single projects, we identified multipliers to assess three different types of multiple-benefits: (i) Energy savings; (ii) Health and well-being; and iii.) Employment. Our findings indicate that in a time span of 14 years (2005–2018), an amount of about 260 million Euros invested in such projects lead to: (i) an accumulated saving potential of approximately 40 kilotons of oil equivalent, corresponding to 465 GWh; (ii) a reduction in air pollution corresponding to a value of 3 million Euros in avoided costs; and (iii) the creation of around 1,000 jobs with an average duration of 5 years. Considering that most of such investments occurred during the latest economic recession, the impact of the aforementioned multi-benefits appears to be not negligible.


Multiple-benefits Smart city projects Deep energy retrofits European building stock 

Tiles-Reflection: Designing for Reflective Learning and Change Behaviour in the Smart City
  • Francesco Gianni
  • Lisa Klecha
  • Monica Divitini
  • Francesco Gianni
    • 1
  • Lisa Klecha
    • 1
  • Monica Divitini
    • 1
  1. 1.Department of Computer ScienceNorwegian University of Science and TechnologyTrondheimNorway
Conference paper
Part of the Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies book series (SIST, volume 95)


Modern cities are increasing in geographical size, population and number. While this development ascribes cities an important function, it also entails various challenges. Efficient urban mobility, energy saving, waste reduction and increased citizen participation in public life are some of the pressing challenges recognized by the United Nations. Retaining livable cities necessitates a change in behaviour in the citizens, promoting sustainability and seeking an increase in the quality of life. Technology possesses the capabilities of mediating behaviour change. A review of existing works highlighted a rather unilateral utilization of technology, mostly consisting of mobile devices, employment of persuasive strategies for guiding behaviour change, and late end-user involvement in the design of the application, primarily for testing purposes. These findings leave the door open to unexplored research approaches, including opportunities stemming from the Internet of Things, reflective learning as behaviour change strategy, and active involvement of end-users in the design and development process. We present Tiles-Reflection, an extension of the Tiles toolkit, a card-based ideation toolkit for the Internet of Things. The extension comprises components for reflective learning, allowing thus non-expert end-users to co-create behaviour change applications. The results of the evaluation suggest that the tool was perceived as useful by participants, fostering reflection on different aspects connected to societal challenges in the smart city. Furthermore, application ideas developed by the users successfully implemented the reflective learning model adopted.


IoT Reflective learning Smart cities

Connotation and Significance of Intelligent City Construction

  • Yunhe Pan
  1. 1.College of Computer Science and TechnologyZhejiang UniversityHangzhouChina
Part of the Strategic Research on Construction and Promotion of China's Intelligent Cities book series (SRCPCIC)


‘Smart city’ proposed by IBM is defined as to deploy information and communication technology to monitor, analyze and integrate various key information for city operation system before making smart correspondence to varying demands covering people’s livelihood, environmental conservation, public safety, city services and industrial and commercial activities. The essence of definition proposed by IBM is to utilize advanced information technology to attain smart management and operation before creating a rosier life to people and facilitating harmonious and sustainable growth in cities.

A Global Review on Smart City Development

  • Yunhe Pan
  1. 1.College of Computer Science and TechnologyZhejiang UniversityHangzhouChina
Part of the Strategic Research on Construction and Promotion of China's Intelligent Cities book series (SRCPCIC)


Before the proposal of Smart City, all countries and regions around the world were carrying out the construction of Digital City and Wireless City. In the late years, they gradually converted to the building of Smart City, which actually reflects a changing from digitalization to intelligence.

Review on Internet of Things (IoT): Making the World Smart

  • Debajyoti Misra
  • Gautam Das
  • Debaprasad Das
  • Debajyoti Misra
    • 1
  • Gautam Das
    • 1
  • Debaprasad Das
    • 2
  1. 1.Department of Electronics and Communication EngineeringSiliguri Institute of TechnologySiliguriIndia
  2. 2.Department of Electronics and Communication EngineeringAssam UniversitySilcharIndia
Conference paper
Part of the Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering book series (LNEE, volume 462)


Internet of things (IoT) is a network of objects linked to cyberspace. It increases rapidly and reaches all around, not only limited to smartphone or home appliances but employed in factories, business, and health care because it enhances efficiency, reduces cost, and saves lives. Think a world where billions of objects can feel, convey, and share information, and all interlinked over public or private Internet protocol (IP) networks. These interrelated things have data usually gathered, tested, and conformed to initiate an exercise, allowing a wealth of understanding for designing, managing, and judgment making. This is the world of the Internet of things (IoT). The Internet of things (IoT) is the upcoming trend of creation that assures to be better and makes our everyday life optimal, smarter, which is based on having intelligence devices and smart things operating at same time. Using Internet protocol (IP) facility, things can now be linked to the Internet, so permitting them to be understood, guided, and managed at every time and at every place. IoT is used in number of fields including designing smart city, connected vehicle, etc. This paper presents a review on IoT and depicts key challenges on the same field.


Internet of things (IoT) IoT application IoT architecture IoT challenges Radio frequency identification (RFID) 

IoT-Based Monitoring and Smart Planning of Urban Solid Waste Management

  • Krishangi Deka
  • Krishangi Goswami
  • Sagarika
  • Krishangi Deka
    • 1
  • Krishangi Goswami
    • 1
  • Sagarika
    • 1
  1. 1.Department of Electronics and Communication (ECE)Sikkim Manipal Institute of TechnologyMajitar, RangpoIndia
Conference paper
Part of the Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering book series (LNEE, volume 462)


The tremendous growth in the rate of urbanization in the past few decades has in turn increased the need for a stable and sustainable urban development plan. Solid waste collection is a very complex process that involves efficient management of the entire system, starting from the collection to the dumping of wastes, hygienically. This paper describes the real-time monitoring and management of waste collection system, thus, enabling us to be excused from collecting semi-empty bins. Furthermore, the incoming data can be effective to determine the minimum number of vehicles associated or bins to distribute. This paper hence gains insights into the status of waste in a city and therefore contributes to a cost-efficient, eco-friendly and more systematic way of waste collection.


Solid waste management Internet of Things (IoT) Smart bin Urbanization Sensors 

The Form of Small Town Centres

  • Avi Friedman
  • Avi Friedman
    • 1
  1. 1.School of ArchitectureMcGill UniversityMontrealCanada


To better realign them with sustainable planning, it is important to first understand the historic evolution of pre- and post-World War II small towns. Following a description of their origins, street patterns, urban form and land use, the chapter offers guiding principles for conceptual strategies on how best to make them sustainable while strengthening their centres. These include strategic densification, street patterns, architectural forms, comfortable microclimates, and environmentally sensitive land use.

Sustainable Wastewater Management Through Decentralized Systems: Case Studies

  • Ligy Philip
  • C. Ramprasad
  • D. Krithika
  • Ligy Philip
    • 1
  • C. Ramprasad
    • 1
  • D. Krithika
    • 1
  1. 1.Department of Civil EngineeringIndian Institute of Technology MadrasChennaiIndia
Part of the Applied Environmental Science and Engineering for a Sustainable Future book series (AESE)


There is a significant increase in the urban population in developing countries like India and consequently, this has thrown up a major challenge to Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) entrusted with the task of waste management. In India, less than 20% of the wastewater generated is getting treated. Recent studies indicate that the supply is roughly equal to the demand for the country, hiding wide regional variations with acute shortages in many parts. Since economic growth implies increased water use, the water situation can be expected to worsen rapidly. Even though water resources are not scarce from the perspective of total available water volumes, the precipitation is highly variable in time and space. In addition, the untreated or partially treated wastewater from human settlements is polluting the existing freshwater bodies, creating shortage of freshwater for different uses. Moreover, many studies have shown that centralized treatment plants are not a sustainable solution for countries like India, where the power supply is rarely continuous, and operation and maintenance are not secured. Hence, it will be advisable to treat the wastewater near to the point of generation and reuse it so that the environment is protected and reliable source of water supply is provided. Innovative decentralized wastewater treatment plants aiming not only at treating the wastewater but also providing other benefits such as the reuse of water, energy reuse or nutrient reuse—depending on the local context—are the need of the daywater treatment systems. Any sustainable wastewater management system should be oriented toward the 3R concept, i.e., reduce, recycle, and reuse. However, the selection of technologies/management strategies will be depending on the economic status of the society. An integrated wastewater management system is the base for a sustainable development in urban and peri-urban areas. It is important to quantify and characterize the amount of wastewater for (i) developing effective strategies to treat the wastewater, (ii) applying different technologies, i.e., anaerobic, followed by aerobic and physicochemical, and (iii) using the treated wastewater in a sustainable way taking into account the risks involved, e.g., using treated wastewater for toilet flushing, and landscaping. This chapter deals with the case studies of various sustainable decentralized/on-site wastewater treatment systems.


Decentralized systems Wastewater management Sustainable wastewater treatment systems

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Climate-KIC Chalange Zaječar

Pomozi gradu #Zajecar da pronadje rešenja za neke od najtežih klimatskih izazova u svetu. Klimatske promene utiču na svaki grad na svakom kontinentu. Sve je više poremećaj ekonomije i utiče na ljudsko zdravlje. Prvobitno konceptualizovan kao 24-satni hackathon od strane Climate-KIC-a, #Climathon je odahnula kao globalni pokret, angažujući građane na klimatskim akcijama - i pružajući gradovima stalnu podršku na jedinstvenim izazovima sa kojima se suočavaju.

Građani, gradski zvaničnici i partneri se povezuju pod zajedničkom vizijom za zdraviji grad, koji se manifestuje u 24-satnom hakatonu kako bi pronašao inovativna gradska rešenja.

clock diagram revised_2.png
Climate-KIC podržan od EIT, deo Evropske Unije.

U nastavku prikazana je Mapa 1. grad Zajecar: Plan regulacije predlozi i Divlje deponije smeća grad Zaječar. Markirana je nova industrijska zona na Vanjinon jazu. Markirane su obilaznice i putevi, uključena je baza svetskih automobilskih kompanija i dobavljača opreme u Evropi.

Predlog: Uraditi e-gov Data Center Zajecar. IT sistem za upravljanje gradom kako bi se povećala mobilnost. Uključiti dobre primere e-gov: Cloud Computing Environement;

Mapa 1. grad Zaječar


ECOMONDO: Sve ideje Climathon 2017 za pametne i izdržljive gradove

Klimatizacija i komunikacija Climathon Uticaji Urbano planiranje Urbana otpornost na klimatske promjene Rizici vezani za klimatske promjene Klimatski izazovi Održivi razvoj.

U Bolonji, aplikacija koja dozvoljava kompanijama da poboljšaju putanju puteva zaposlenih, pomažući im da izaberu manje zagađene puteve, na Venecijanskim specijalnim plivajućim platformama kako bi vratili "zelenu" u lagunu. Ovo su dva od 18 pobjedničkih Climathon projekata , 24-satni maraton koji predlažu korisne ideje za borbu protiv klimatskih promjena, predstavljene na Ecomondo (Fiera di Rimini) na forumu u kojem vodi geolog Mario Tozzi. Ovaj događaj organizuje Climate-KIC, evropska javno-privatna zajednica za borbu protiv klimatskih promjena, koordinirana u našoj zemlji od strane Climate-KIC Italy sa sjedištem u Bolonji.

Ovo uključuje pobedničke ideje Climathona u Leče, Veneciji, Sasariju i Bolonji, u kojima je učestvovalo i učešće CMCC-a.

Nakon prezentacija, predstavnici lokalnih institucija kao što su Regionalni savjetnik za zaštitu životne sredine regije Sardinija, Donatella Spano i savjetnici za životnu sredinu opštine Ćezena, Francesca Lucchi i opština Sassari Fabio Pinna razgovarali su s Angelicom Monako (direktor klime - KIC Italija) i Mauro Buonocore (Fondacija CMCC - Evro-mediteranski centar za klimatske promjene) o tome kako uključiti građane u borbu protiv klimatskih promjena.

Među pobedničkim projektima klimantskog maratona u 18 italijanskih gradova nalazi se "LinkShiftShare" , pobednički projekat Klimathon iz Lečea, gde se tema izaziva obalnom erozijom i zaštitom i razvojem obala. Ideja je da u okviru obalnog područja stvorimo integrisano upravljanje protokom vozila, pristupom na more, prirodnom prirodnom okruženju i tipičnim aktivnostima mjesta.

U Veneciji je odlikovao "Podići prije porasta nivoa mora" , koji integriše stvaranje umetničkih instalacija koje se mogu pretvoriti u platforme kako bi se u slučaju vanrednog stanja ugostili ljudi sa projektom društvenog i urbanog oporavka starih zgrada.

Dva projekta dobila su u Bolonji, prva je "Zefiro" , digitalna platforma koja omogućava kompanijama da svojim zaposlenima pruže aplikaciju za bolje upravljanje kućnim radom i drugim putovanjima. To je kako bi se ljudima omogućilo da izbjegnu zagađene ulice, trgovine ljudima ili bez "urbanih zelenih".

"Ostani cool" , s druge strane, usluga koja koristi klimatske i geografske podatke Kopernika i drugih urbanih baza podataka, identifikuje, mapira i komunicira položaj "hladnih mesta", tj. Parkova, muzeja i mjesta kulture, gdje "Uzmi utočište" tokom vrelih talasa. "Ostanite kul" namenjen je prvenstveno ljudima koji su krhki sa stanovišta zdravlja i / ili socijalno isključeni.

U Sassari projektu "Zeleni u vezu" dodeljena je aplikacija koja želi da promoviše zajednički model upravljanja za razvoj zelenih površina u istorijskom centru grada. Konkretno, projekat ima za cilj poboljšanje unutrašnjih bašti istorijskih domova privatnih građana i povezivanje među njima i sa javnim područjima, u cilju stvaranja zelenih puteva visoke vrijednosti životne sredine unutar grada.

"Walk on" je predlog koji je osvojio izazov u Salernou i ima za cilj poboljšanje mobilnosti i smanjenje zagađenja tokom gradske manifestacije "Luci d'Artista". Ideja uključuje upotrebu tepisona od reciklirane gume da pretvori kinetički pokret hiljada posjetilaca u električnu energiju. "Pametni tepih" će biti povezan sa aplikacijom (Tap @ Ap), koja će omogućiti informacije u realnom vremenu o broju preduzetih koraka, stvaranju energije i emisijama koje su izbegnute u pogledu CO2, uslova saobraćaja i mnogo više .

"Io cammino" je pobednički projekat Klimathona u Ferari. Cilj je da zajedno sa obrazovnim institucijama stvori sistem koji transformiše (pešake) pešačke rute (školski autobus peške) u igru (kako bi se podstakao razvoj ponašanja osjetljivih na pitanja održivosti još od detinjstva.

U Kaljariju izazov je dobio "Bird" , koji je razvio multifunkcionalni model urbane zelene infrastrukture.

U Napulju razvijeni koncept se fokusira na sposobnost prirode da se brani. Projekat podrazumeva sijanje čempresa u pufernim područjima radi sprečavanja ili usporavanja požara. U stvari, ova drveća su bogata vodom.

U Firenci je osnovan "Stapp Project" , aplikacija koja "uzbuđuje" turiste poštujući vodu i otpornost. Projekat Naide u Ćeseni je nagrađen od strane žirija, čiji je cilj razvoj rešenja za uštedu vode.

U Trentinu je Climathon osvojio tim "Dec € Uro" , koji je predložio stvaranje stabilnog senzora za detekciju podataka o vodama na terenu, koji se zatim prenose u realnom vremenu kontrolnim centrima.

Klima-KIC je najveće javno-privatno partnerstvo na ublažavanju i prilagođavanju klimatskim promjenama koje čine kompanije, akademske institucije i javni organi sa preko 200 evropskih partnera. Climate-KIC je jedna od zajednica znanja i inovacija koju je pokrenuo EIT, Evropski institut za inovacije i tehnologiju. Od 2016. godine podružnica Climate-KIC Italije aktivno je koordinirala aktivnosti u nacionalnom kontekstu.

Klima-KIC je najveće javno-privatno partnerstvo na ublažavanju i prilagođavanju klimatskim promjenama koje čine kompanije, akademske institucije i javni organi sa preko 200 evropskih partnera. Climate-KIC je jedna od zajednica znanja i inovacija koju je pokrenuo EIT, Evropski institut za inovacije i tehnologiju. Od 2016. godine podružnica Climate-KIC Italije aktivno je koordinirala aktivnosti u nacionalnom kontekstu.

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