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Digitalisation, e-tourism, Smart city

Digitalisation, which means the use of modern information technologies, also occurs in tourism.

The term ’smart’ is increasingly used for technological, economic and social development which is generated by sensors, big data, open data, new connectivity, and information exchange. The adjective ’smart’ can also be found in the operation of cities (intelligent city, smart city), where the term refers to activities aimed at using innovative technologies at resource optimization, efficient and fair management, sustainability and better quality of life (Gretzel et al., 2015). We can also use the term in the context of tourism. Smart tourism consists of three main components, based on information communicational tools: smart destinations, smart experiences and smart business
system (Lopez de Avila, 2015).

The essence of e-tourism is that the use of info-communication tools appears in all sectors of tourism. According to Buhalis (2003), e-tourism is the digitization of all the processes and value chains in the tourism, travel, hospitality and catering industries that enable organisations to maximise their efficiency and effectiveness (Buhalis, 2003 in:Buhalis, 2011:6). E-tourism, as one type of ecommerce, is also an industry, which deals with sales and marketing of products and services
through an electronic system.

The extent of the use of digital solutions in tourism differs from one country to another. ( z_osztrak_digitalis_turizmus_strategiat) In September 2017, the Digital Tourism Strategy was presented in Austria, which set the goals and tools in the digitalisation agenda, in line with global digital challenges.

( z_osztrak_digitalis_turizmus_strategiat) The Digital Tourism Strategy presents the tasks, along three strategic objectives, that are required to realize digital tourism in eight areas.

( GITALISIERUNGSSTRATEGIE_barrierefrei.pdf) Overall, we can say that most countries' tourism strategy already includes digitization-based activities.

Today, the city is undergoing a global transformation. Development requires the creation of
an infrastructure based on intelligent networks. Technologies should serve as a basis for the
development of new cities and be integrated into existing ones. These tasks can be solved
through the introduction of BDT technology based on the concept of an integrated approach
Smart city.

The concept of Smart city is intended to use intellectual and information communication
technologies for the management of urban property. The main objective of the considered
concept – to meet the needs of residents of the city. Volynskov points out that Smart City
technology is able to cover almost all areas of urban planning and management, including
the architectural component, public administration, transport and communal systems, public
safety, financial structures, Commerce, production, as well as the creation of a residential
environment [4].

An important element of the concept is intellectual innovation, which is based on
information technology and data analysis. Their spread has an impact on the economic
landscape, creating new fast-growing areas or making radical changes to existing ones. At
the same time, the data of the innovation generation process can come through two
channels: from automated accounting systems fixing various parameters of urban systems
to residents creating formalized requests for changes.

Today, the concept of Smart City is actively developing in the United States, developed
countries in Europe and Southeast Asia. The experience of these countries allows us to
identify two main approaches to the implementation of the concept.

The first approach is based on the introduction of Smart city technologies through the
design and creation of new cities. Thanks to the use of this technology, the infrastructure of
future cities is carefully thought out. In addition, maximum integration of all urban systems
is ensured. Examples of this approach include planned or ongoing projects of cities in
countries such as South Korea, UAE, China [4].

Most often, the technology is implemented on the territory of small, compact
settlements, where the infrastructure is initially created in accordance with pre-developed,
often quite stringent standards [5]. Usually the development of such a city, according to
Volynskov [4], is considered as a single mega-project, detailed into individual projects and
sub-projects, and the evaluation of its effectiveness is carried out from the standpoint of
economic effects.

The second, more common approach is the implementation of the "smart city" concept
in already existing cities where local or complex projects are implemented on the basis of
the existing infrastructure in the framework of the introduction of intelligent technologies,
then integrated into systems. This approach is highly relevant when implementing it on the
territory of ancient cities, as it is intended, along with the modernization of the city, to preserve the monuments of architecture and the appearance of old cities. Through the use of
information - communication infrastructure and technology, it is possible to adapt urban
systems to existing needs and pressures, thereby reducing costs by reducing resource
consumption, improving the quality of services and creating new points of economic

Smart City technologies are increasingly included in the daily life of citizens, as these technologies are provided to improve the efficiency of urban services. These technologies also act as a centralized means of obtaining services on energy and water supply, urban infrastructure, transport, etc.

The following components are included in the unified integration platform for Smart city concept implementation: 1. Transport: the possibility of photo and video fixation (FVF), weight control (VGK), parking space, electronic ticket, automated traffic management system (ASUDD. 2. Housing and communal services: implementation of the "Bright City" system; use of IT systems for utilities. 3. Security: introduction of video surveillance systems, threat monitoring, coordination and interaction systems, eco-monitoring. 4. Tourism: development of a tourist map, introduction of public Wi-Fi [12].

The government, business, society, and most importantly the professional community of architects and urban planners today has a unique opportunity to influence the life and structure of cities, using such a tool as BDT, and implementing it with the help of Smart city technologies [15]. But for the full realization of this possibility, it is necessary to solve a number of problems. First, changes in the regulatory framework are needed: a standard is needed that regulates the use and application of BDT by the professional community. Secondly, there is a problem of the need to organize joint activities of planners, urban planners, urbanists in the process of data collection and processing. Third, you need to learn how to work with BDT and use them correctly. It is necessary to develop methods for the use of BDT in urban planning. They should be based on different types of data and methods of data processing and be used for different urban development tasks: zoning, security, improvement of transport and pedestrian traffic. Big Data technologies should play an important role in urban planning, as they have considerable potential to bridge the gap between the conceptual understanding of cities and urban real data collected by various technical means.

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Climate-KIC Chalange Zaječar

Pomozi gradu #Zajecar da pronadje rešenja za neke od najtežih klimatskih izazova u svetu. Klimatske promene utiču na svaki grad na svakom kontinentu. Sve je više poremećaj ekonomije i utiče na ljudsko zdravlje. Prvobitno konceptualizovan kao 24-satni hackathon od strane Climate-KIC-a, #Climathon je odahnula kao globalni pokret, angažujući građane na klimatskim akcijama - i pružajući gradovima stalnu podršku na jedinstvenim izazovima sa kojima se suočavaju.

Građani, gradski zvaničnici i partneri se povezuju pod zajedničkom vizijom za zdraviji grad, koji se manifestuje u 24-satnom hakatonu kako bi pronašao inovativna gradska rešenja.

clock diagram revised_2.png
Climate-KIC podržan od EIT, deo Evropske Unije.

U nastavku prikazana je Mapa 1. grad Zajecar: Plan regulacije predlozi i Divlje deponije smeća grad Zaječar. Markirana je nova industrijska zona na Vanjinon jazu. Markirane su obilaznice i putevi, uključena je baza svetskih automobilskih kompanija i dobavljača opreme u Evropi.

Predlog: Uraditi e-gov Data Center Zajecar. IT sistem za upravljanje gradom kako bi se povećala mobilnost. Uključiti dobre primere e-gov: Cloud Computing Environement;

Mapa 1. grad Zaječar


ECOMONDO: Sve ideje Climathon 2017 za pametne i izdržljive gradove

Klimatizacija i komunikacija Climathon Uticaji Urbano planiranje Urbana otpornost na klimatske promjene Rizici vezani za klimatske promjene Klimatski izazovi Održivi razvoj.

U Bolonji, aplikacija koja dozvoljava kompanijama da poboljšaju putanju puteva zaposlenih, pomažući im da izaberu manje zagađene puteve, na Venecijanskim specijalnim plivajućim platformama kako bi vratili "zelenu" u lagunu. Ovo su dva od 18 pobjedničkih Climathon projekata , 24-satni maraton koji predlažu korisne ideje za borbu protiv klimatskih promjena, predstavljene na Ecomondo (Fiera di Rimini) na forumu u kojem vodi geolog Mario Tozzi. Ovaj događaj organizuje Climate-KIC, evropska javno-privatna zajednica za borbu protiv klimatskih promjena, koordinirana u našoj zemlji od strane Climate-KIC Italy sa sjedištem u Bolonji.

Ovo uključuje pobedničke ideje Climathona u Leče, Veneciji, Sasariju i Bolonji, u kojima je učestvovalo i učešće CMCC-a.

Nakon prezentacija, predstavnici lokalnih institucija kao što su Regionalni savjetnik za zaštitu životne sredine regije Sardinija, Donatella Spano i savjetnici za životnu sredinu opštine Ćezena, Francesca Lucchi i opština Sassari Fabio Pinna razgovarali su s Angelicom Monako (direktor klime - KIC Italija) i Mauro Buonocore (Fondacija CMCC - Evro-mediteranski centar za klimatske promjene) o tome kako uključiti građane u borbu protiv klimatskih promjena.

Među pobedničkim projektima klimantskog maratona u 18 italijanskih gradova nalazi se "LinkShiftShare" , pobednički projekat Klimathon iz Lečea, gde se tema izaziva obalnom erozijom i zaštitom i razvojem obala. Ideja je da u okviru obalnog područja stvorimo integrisano upravljanje protokom vozila, pristupom na more, prirodnom prirodnom okruženju i tipičnim aktivnostima mjesta.

U Veneciji je odlikovao "Podići prije porasta nivoa mora" , koji integriše stvaranje umetničkih instalacija koje se mogu pretvoriti u platforme kako bi se u slučaju vanrednog stanja ugostili ljudi sa projektom društvenog i urbanog oporavka starih zgrada.

Dva projekta dobila su u Bolonji, prva je "Zefiro" , digitalna platforma koja omogućava kompanijama da svojim zaposlenima pruže aplikaciju za bolje upravljanje kućnim radom i drugim putovanjima. To je kako bi se ljudima omogućilo da izbjegnu zagađene ulice, trgovine ljudima ili bez "urbanih zelenih".

"Ostani cool" , s druge strane, usluga koja koristi klimatske i geografske podatke Kopernika i drugih urbanih baza podataka, identifikuje, mapira i komunicira položaj "hladnih mesta", tj. Parkova, muzeja i mjesta kulture, gdje "Uzmi utočište" tokom vrelih talasa. "Ostanite kul" namenjen je prvenstveno ljudima koji su krhki sa stanovišta zdravlja i / ili socijalno isključeni.

U Sassari projektu "Zeleni u vezu" dodeljena je aplikacija koja želi da promoviše zajednički model upravljanja za razvoj zelenih površina u istorijskom centru grada. Konkretno, projekat ima za cilj poboljšanje unutrašnjih bašti istorijskih domova privatnih građana i povezivanje među njima i sa javnim područjima, u cilju stvaranja zelenih puteva visoke vrijednosti životne sredine unutar grada.

"Walk on" je predlog koji je osvojio izazov u Salernou i ima za cilj poboljšanje mobilnosti i smanjenje zagađenja tokom gradske manifestacije "Luci d'Artista". Ideja uključuje upotrebu tepisona od reciklirane gume da pretvori kinetički pokret hiljada posjetilaca u električnu energiju. "Pametni tepih" će biti povezan sa aplikacijom (Tap @ Ap), koja će omogućiti informacije u realnom vremenu o broju preduzetih koraka, stvaranju energije i emisijama koje su izbegnute u pogledu CO2, uslova saobraćaja i mnogo više .

"Io cammino" je pobednički projekat Klimathona u Ferari. Cilj je da zajedno sa obrazovnim institucijama stvori sistem koji transformiše (pešake) pešačke rute (školski autobus peške) u igru (kako bi se podstakao razvoj ponašanja osjetljivih na pitanja održivosti još od detinjstva.

U Kaljariju izazov je dobio "Bird" , koji je razvio multifunkcionalni model urbane zelene infrastrukture.

U Napulju razvijeni koncept se fokusira na sposobnost prirode da se brani. Projekat podrazumeva sijanje čempresa u pufernim područjima radi sprečavanja ili usporavanja požara. U stvari, ova drveća su bogata vodom.

U Firenci je osnovan "Stapp Project" , aplikacija koja "uzbuđuje" turiste poštujući vodu i otpornost. Projekat Naide u Ćeseni je nagrađen od strane žirija, čiji je cilj razvoj rešenja za uštedu vode.

U Trentinu je Climathon osvojio tim "Dec € Uro" , koji je predložio stvaranje stabilnog senzora za detekciju podataka o vodama na terenu, koji se zatim prenose u realnom vremenu kontrolnim centrima.

Klima-KIC je najveće javno-privatno partnerstvo na ublažavanju i prilagođavanju klimatskim promjenama koje čine kompanije, akademske institucije i javni organi sa preko 200 evropskih partnera. Climate-KIC je jedna od zajednica znanja i inovacija koju je pokrenuo EIT, Evropski institut za inovacije i tehnologiju. Od 2016. godine podružnica Climate-KIC Italije aktivno je koordinirala aktivnosti u nacionalnom kontekstu.

Klima-KIC je najveće javno-privatno partnerstvo na ublažavanju i prilagođavanju klimatskim promjenama koje čine kompanije, akademske institucije i javni organi sa preko 200 evropskih partnera. Climate-KIC je jedna od zajednica znanja i inovacija koju je pokrenuo EIT, Evropski institut za inovacije i tehnologiju. Od 2016. godine podružnica Climate-KIC Italije aktivno je koordinirala aktivnosti u nacionalnom kontekstu.

Pet stvari koje trebate znati prije vašeg prvog Hackathona:

(1) na linku: možete pretražiti projekte po ključnoj reči.

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